Turner Valley School: Tigers Wall of Fame

Bricks – A reminder what they are:

The Tigers ‘Wall of Fame’ is our way of recognizing students among their peers when they demonstrate characteristics that we value as a school. The idea is to recognize things we want to see more of and to present the good example for their peers. So, staff who have recognized these positive behaviors around the school submit names of who will be receiving a brick to the office and the names are read over the morning announcements. After the announcements, each class spends a few minutes discussing the bricks and good deeds, instilling in the class a sense of willingness to work towards achieving them themselves. We then print off two brick’s with the students name, picture and why they received it and place one on the ‘wall of fame’ and the other is sent home with the child as a keepsake. The ‘wall of fame’ is a metaphor as all the positive acts (bricks) combine to build a wall of famous people. The categories for bricks are Character (eg. honesty, empathy, perseverance), Competence (academic success or improvement), Community (being helpful, volunteering) and Creativity (Art, Music, Fine Arts).
