The North West Foothills Recreation Board Needs Your Input

2015-NWF-Rec-SURVEY-Top-Banner-smWho We Are

The North West Foothills Recreation Board (NWFRB) was founded in 2010 to explore and develop recreation projects within Council Divisions 3, 4 and 5 of the Municipal District of Foothills (Millarville, Priddis, Red Deer Lake & De Winton Areas). NWFRB is a Committee of the Municipal District of Foothills (M.D.) Council. The first project undertaken by NWFRB is the Seaman Sports Park located near Millarville.

2014-08-29-NWFrec-fund-doc-siteplan-notedNWFRB completed a Division 3, 4 and 5 Parks and Recreation Concept Plan in 2010. The M.D. and NWFRB started working toward our vision by identifying and acquiring 30 acres of land adjacent to the Millarville Racetrack for future development of recreation facilities. To date, $840,000 has been invested in this project: including $250,000 from Doc Seaman out of the Scott Seaman Fund through the Calgary Foundation, $23,000 from the Scott Seaman Foundation and a commitment of $50,000 from the Millarville Sports Association (MSA). The Concept Plan for the Sports Park was presented to Council and Phase 1 Outdoor construction received approval on July 17, 2013. Phase 1 includes two regulation ball diamonds, access road and parking, which are scheduled to open in the spring of 2016.

Our Mission

2014NWFrec-airpic-1To work with the residents and established Associations within the Municipal District of Foothills No. 31, Divisions 3, 4 and 5, to identify their recreation requirements and engage the communities in the development and provision of recreational facilities without impacting taxes.

Health Benefits

Recreation spaces give people a place to be physically active. There is strong scientific evidence to support that “Physical activity plays an important role in the health, well-being and quality of life of Canadians”. Public Health Agency of Canada, 2011

Social Benefits

Building a recreation facility will enhance and increase the feeling of community in the surrounding area. People of all ages will be able to use the facility and connect with one another. People can build community by playing a sport, taking a class, joining a program or cheering on the home team.

Our Survey

The M.D. has asked the NWFRB to survey the residents of Divisions 3, 4, and 5 regarding their support for an Active Living Recreation Centre. This complex will be located at the Seaman Sports Park. The first phase of the indoor facility could include an ice arena, fitness/wellness space, senior’s club, library, local museum, indoor walking/jogging track and multi-purpose rooms – a facility similar to the Scott Seaman complex at the Heritage Heights School. Through our survey, the NWFRB will be asking residents for their support and feedback for desired facilities at our complex.

Please visit our website to answer our Survey! Our NWFRB online Survey will run from March 28 – May 31, 2015. Make your opinion Count! We thank you and appreciate your support! If you do not have access to the internet and would like to answer our Survey, or require further information, please contact: Councillor Suzanne Oel at 403.931.2711 or NWFR Board Member Steve Fisher at 403.931.1611.
