Eco-Friendly Junk Removal

Eco-Friendly Junk Removal

Would you be surprised to learn that Canadians produce more garbage per capita than any other country in the world? If each Canadian tried to be more responsible in our recycling efforts, we could make a huge impact on the planet. When we don’t dispose of garbage and junk properly, it can release toxic gasses and chemicals into the air as waste evaporates. This contributes to an increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, the number one cause of climate change.

Our Planet At Risk

Improper garbage management not only releases toxins into the air but also damages land and sea. Hazardous chemicals can seep into the soil, damaging plants and wildlife. Materials that fail to breakdown or that breakdown slowly generate massive landfills that will cause pollution issues for generations to come. Every year, our oceans are polluted with 14 billion pounds of garbage, most of which is plastic.

It is not just the planet at risk. Our health is also harmed due to poor waste disposal practices, including increased risk for cancer, congenital disabilities in babies, asthma, skin infections, and more.  

Responsible Trash Management

The good news is there are eco-friendly junk removal methods that can help you do your part, including:

  • Recycling
  • Reusing
  • Composting
  • Donating
  • Generating Energy

More and more cities are getting creative with their approach to waste management, including:

  • Trading Trash for Healthcare in Indonesia
  • Converting Garbage into Usable Energy in Sweden
  • Creating an Amusement Park Made from Rubbish in Uganda
  • A Landfill Turned Eco-Park in Hong Kong

Eco-friendly junk removal triggers a chain reaction that makes the entire environment cleaner and healthier.

By recycling newspapers, we can save up to 250,000,000 trees each year to process CO2 and reduce airborne toxins and pollution. This is healthier for all living things on the planet. You can do your part by using eco-friendly junk removal to help sustain a healthier planet for future generations.

Source: Red Bins