Alberta’s Medicine River Wildlife Centre Needs Your Help

Otis Extreme Home MakeoverThe Medicine River Wildlife Centre is home to injured and rescued wildlife but it is now in need of rescuing. Located west of Innisfail Alberta the facility is in the middle of fundraising for a new facility. Their old structure was built “on a wing and a prayer” with donated material that was not of commercial quality. Now the building has to be replaced or they will have to shut down. This would mean transferring their wild residents to Calgary and Edmonton.

The rescue centre started operation in 1984 and treat close to 1300 patients every year. They are not just a refuge and wildlife hospital but they also educate the public about the wildlife we share our Province with. Otis the Great Horned owl is one of the full time residents that help spread the word about wildlife and the work of the centre.

To find out how you can help click here. Every little bit will help move this facility closer to reality!