Premier Notley Issues Statement on Passing of Former Premier Jim Prentice

Premier Rachel Notley has issued the following statement on the passing of the Honourable Jim Prentice, former Premier of Alberta.

“I have been informed that Premier Jim Prentice was the victim of a terrible aircraft accident last night.

“I spoke with his wife, Karen, and expressed the profound sorrow and sympathy I feel, and that I know all Albertans feel, in the face of this unspeakable tragedy.

“I also spoke with PC leader Ric McIver.

“There are no words adequate for moments like this, as my family knows very well.

“But there are words to remember Premier Prentice’s contributions to Alberta. He served our province in so many roles for so many years. He deeply loved Alberta. He worked tirelessly for all of us, in the true spirit of one who is committed to public service. I benefited from his advice, and the Government of Alberta is continuing to pursue many of his initiatives. All Albertans are the better for this.

“We will find an appropriate occasion to fully remember Premier  Prentice’s career and contributions.

“But today our thoughts are with his family. With Karen and their daughters Christina, Cassia and Kate. And with two grandchildren who will have much to be proud of in their grandfather.

“This tragedy was made worse by the death on the same flight of Premier Prentice’s good friend, and father of his son-in-law, Dr. Ken Gellatly.

“Our thoughts are also with Premier Prentice’s friends and colleagues.

“For Alberta, today is a day of sorrow in the face of terrible tragedy.

“To all Albertans, I urge you to look at the faces of those we love and remember that every moment with them is a precious gift.”